Koen Wastijn

Rabbits are batteries

04.07.2004 - 29.08.2004

Zeedijk 635 - Knokke
Koen Wastijn (°1963) makes work from a critical social and cultural vantage point. With a historical perspective, he takes different facets of our society and places them under the microscope. He places emphasis on marketing strategies and industries around science, consumption and entertainment. Additionally, Wastijn also studies the current problems of cultural heterogeneity.

Although this content is very people-oriented content, the attention of his work is not placed on the man himself, but the animal. He lets the animal function as a 'mirror of man’ and ‘definition of the Other.’ This is in an effort to redefine mankind within in the course of history, in the irreversible, altered physical environment and to redefine the increasingly fragmented thinking. The animal is, for this purpose, a matrix. Man is an animal in despair: a comically tragic being.

In Rabbits are batteries, Wastijn presents a selection of his multimedia work. Videos, sculptures, real animal organisms, drawings, ceramics and objects are placed together and sophisticatively interact with each other.
Selection works