Jan Vanriet’s work (°1948) is stylistically very diverse: from impressionistic to menacing, dark geometric. There is a comprehensive consistent hint of melancholy. Van Riet’s chosen themes unite the formal diversity with a consistent entirety. Van Riet reflects time and again from the viewpoint of his present, personal existence on historical, philosophical, socio-political and other related issues. Never in a direct way — and in anything but a neutral approach — he covers topics such as existential loneliness, social injustice, fate, refuge, destruction and murder.

In 1972, Jan Vanriet graduated from the Royal Academy in Antwerp. At numerous exhibitions, at home and abroad, he presented sculptural work. Van Riet took part in the famous Biennale of Menton (France), Sao Paulo (Brazil) and Venice (Italy). Van Riet’s works are included in collections at the Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul (South Korea), Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (U.S.A.) and the Museum of Contemporary Art in La Jolla (U.S.A.).

Vanriet also designs decors and covers for novels and magazines. He illustrates his literary publications and he writes his own columns. He publishes poetry and writings for, amongst others, Vrij Netherlands, Avenue and DeMorgen Magazine.

Monumental work from Van Riet is integrated in different locations throughout Belgium: a ceiling painting in the entrance hall of the Antwerp Bourla Theater, murals at the headquarters of the Credit Bank in Brussels, the Brussels' metro station De Brouckere and in Brussels' Roularta Media Centre.

Jan Vanriet
Schilderijen Parcours 1966 - 2008
240 pp
24 x 17 cm
ISBN-13: 9789053496756
Snoeck, Gent, 2008
30 euro
